Untamed Sportsman Opens a New Website and Look
We here at Untamed Sportsman are happy to welcome each and every one of our followers to our new look and feel. We have been around for years in one way or another but with little to no true organization. We are still part of the Chipotle Texas family. We still make great tasting seasoning blends for 16 types of wild game and fish. We have now gone mainstream with our bait making hobby of 20+ years and turned it into a commercial enterprise. We have been at this now for the last year and the website and technology side is now finally catching up. Hand-made baits have been a passion around our operation for a long time. The main problem with that is they are too expensive to make and sell for any type of profit. Now we have the capability to make the greatest quality baits in about any quantity needed. This allows us to buy supplies at better costs and make baits in counts that allow us to be more efficient. Couple this with the ability to cross market our products...... Off the hook and in the pan! We think we have a great thing going. We hope you will too. Again, welcome and we hope you will try our stuff, share some stories, have some laughs, and tell your friends.